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Military Project Management Experience

Provable Fluency

It’s a concept that I made up formed from two words, and it’s derived from a decade plus years helping 13K+ military veterans translate their experience into a language that Corporate America understands and get hired for those positions.   “Provable Fluency” is the combination

The Fourth First Principle of Solving Our Hiring Heroes Problem

The complex challenge of reintegrating our military veterans, i.e., “heroes”, defined as “people admired for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”, back into the civilian workforce has persisted since Caesar Augustus in 13 BC! Therefore, it’s time to solve this problem, and First Principles Thinking

Vets2PM’s Performance Baseline for 2024

Vets2PM, LLC closed out its eighth year helping military veterans land meaningful, lucrative post-Service careers strong!  We’ve helped over twelve thousand of them do just that in 1,167 companies across Corporate America, and they’re all earning $85K+ a year to start, which is creating just

Project Management Apples, Oranges, and Grapes

Regardless of what a project will deliver, such as a new or improved Web Site, a new or improved Smartphone, a new datacenter or warehouse, or a new Saturn rover, all projects need planned, resourced, staffed, performed, and controlled.  Controlled means project performance analyzed against

Certify Both Types of Your Military Experience for Maximum Interview Impact

Many transitioning military service members and veterans have experience running things and running teams.  Therefore, presenting both can really enhance their interview performance.  And certifying that experience before hand?  A potential game-changer!   Things.  Examples of things are gage calibration shops, motor pools, dining facilities,

Developing Both Halves of Your Project Management Brain

We can use our brain’s dual-hemisphere construct and the theory of left brain-right brain to explore the necessary evolution of a project manager’s profession; getting paid to manage projects.   Our brain has two halves. Although the left brain-right brain theory of decades ago has

Journey from Military-to-Civilian Project Manager

Eric “Doc” Wright, PhD helps military veterans achieve meaningful, lucrative post-service careers. Why? Because his own transition was long and dark. In fact, it almost killed him! And, because after 8 years in uniform and 20+ in business, he has figured out what Corporate America