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Staff & Instructor Portal

Master Training Schedule

Color Coding:
  • Red – no requirements filled yet (no place to train locked in, no minimum # established, basic interest usually from a conversation or email from Vets2PM team) ​
  • Yellow – requirements have been set (minimum number to train, place to train, and dates locked in, awaiting hitting minimum and/or contract to be finalized to switch to green)​
  • Green – instructor to be notified to book travel ​
  • GO — training is a go ​


Curriculum without Videos Curriculum with Videos

Employee Handbooks

Florida Handbook Texas Handbook Virginia Handbook
Tennessee Handbook Ohio Handbook

Instructor Guidelines

Please download the Instructor Guidelines using the button below. Once you have downloaded a copy and read it over please put your name and signature in the form to the right.

Instructor Guidelines

Do you have questions?