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Certify, Staff, and Grow!

That’s the phrase that I close with in my email signature block and that I autograph books with at book signings.


It encapsulates everything I do as a professional; help military veterans achieve meaningful, lucrative post-military service careers.


And although, as a military veteran, I primarily speak to and help military veterans, I have also been a hiring manager in the government, private, and public sectors, responsible for hiring and developing talent.  So, everything I share is applicable to any career professional really, as most of us want to engage in meaningful work that pays us well.


“Certify” means the veteran picks a career field, translate your military experience into that fields terms and concepts, and certify it with professional credentials recognized by, and probably held by, civilian hiring managers.  And as an aside, a potentially profitable one, this helps make your government contract bids be more competitive too!


“Staff” means hire for your positions and staff your government contract teams with a mix of veterans and civilians so the teach each other management and leadership simultaneously, which maximizes productivity and impact.  I know a great training and talent management company that can help you with this, wink, wink.


And “Grow” means grow your team, grow your capacity and ability, i.e., your capability, to produce and deliver results, grow your teams, grow your contracts, and grow your revenue.


To me, I advocate “Certify, staff, and grow!” because it encompasses this game of business we’re in, manage talent and grow talent well, and so will your revenue.


Certify, staff, and grow with us at Vets2PM.  We’re here to serve you.  Take us to task.

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